Week 4 Session 2

13457551_10206638905870672_113394113_nThursday I actually got my shit together and didn’t leave training until the last minute (winning!)

I knew I had my lash appointment (with the amazing Belle) at 1pm so would be pushing it train after that so I heading down o the gym at 11:30am meaning the washing and vacuuming had to wait – what a shame!

Once warmed up I got straight into my STRENGTH bench press sets.

2 sets of 6 reps @60% I did them at 40kg because I’m an idiot and calculated it wrong – it was only suppose to be 30kg – no wonder why it was so bloody hard!

And FYI my chest was sore for a good 2-3 dos later….

ACCESSORY: x4 rounds of
x20 yellow band pull apart
x10 bi curls
x15 trx tri-extension
x20 yellow band rows

My main focus here is posture – so a lot of back work to help strengthen any weak muscles especially after doing such heavy bench work.

If you are doing a chest exercise (push up, chest to floor burpee, bench press) make sure for every chest exercises there is x2 back exercises such as pull aparts, kb row, trx row, band row, hypers….

No one wants to be The Hunchback of Notre Dame…

10minutes of a vinyasa yoga including inversions, handstands and arm balances.

Stay Strong and Stretch,
Tel x