Week 6 session 1

So I’m feeling A LOT better to what I did last Monday (thank f*ck) I don’t deal with being sick very well.

Week 6 means only only a few sessions away from re-testing my 1RMs and it also means my deadlift cycle gets heavy again (ekkkkk)

When I started this cycle I hated deadlift and as much as it kind of kills me to say it I’m not starting to understand why people love them!

85% Trap Bar Deadlift – 3RM
So the aim here was to hit a 3RM at equal to or better then 85% of my 1RM (81kg)
Warmed up with 60kg then didn’t count the weights I added on from there on – when I do I mental freak out.

I hit 95kg for 3 – Yes this is exciting because this was my old 1RM 6 weeks ago so I’m clearly stronger and I did it a hell of a lot easier too BUT am I ever satisfied….nahhhhh!

Being over confident and ready to increase again I loaded the bar up to 110kg.

It didn’t move and I instantly got frustrated/piss off – the old 1RM didn’t even matter in my head – if I can move this weight I’m not stronger.

I went down too 100kg and got it for 1 and left it there.

It would of been so easy to keep attempting (I’m ridiculously competitive even when it’s against myself and even when I’ve crushed my old max)

Took a couple deep breathes and continued on with the program.

3 sets of:
Lunges x5/5
Sumo squats x5

I warmed up at the bar then stayed at 40kg – the deadlifts took it out of me. Lunging is SO much easier then equating – especially sumo squatting – but it if want #DATASS I must sumo!

Okay I slacked off. I admit it.
Was meant to me burpee to jump pull up.
I just did pull ups. Got 10 strict out – non consecutive and felt gewwwwd!

Super happy with my training so far and the way my bodies looking – all about dat ass and back in the wedding dress now I just need to get my eating under control
! #theroyalewedding

Stay Strong & Stretch,
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